Me and Dave at temple square, Christmas of 2008
Tonight is the senior tribute in our ward. I have really mixed feelings about this. I am so excited to get out of high school I can not even tell you! But I am so bummed to leave everyone. I can't wait to go to Arizona but I want to stay with Sara, Kris, Lynds, Court, and the Daves for the rest of my life. I really will miss my english class to I look forward to it everyday. I have so much fun in the cornor with Sara and the Kevin's. Weird how the guys I know tend to come in pairs of names. Anyway it is weird to be both excited and sad. Finnally get the expresion bitter-sweet. Anyway, the reason I titled this waterworks wednesday is because at this tribute I know I am going to cry. Especially since my brother is reading it and when I read his we both cried. We don't have a super good track record with not balling at this. Since all of my best friends are in my ward and all of us except for Kris will probably be going our seperate ways it makes it even harder. I am getting teary eyed just thinking about it. I really am going to try and keep it in. But I have a feeling it will be like Justin's and Kim Ney will be snapping 100s of pictures of us crying and hugging. Can't wait =( Here are some pictures of me with everyone, well just me and Justin and Dave. That was all that was on my school computer.