Monday, August 16, 2010

Monsoon Monday

Alright so even though my tan has faded considerably since we got back from vacations I still love the monsoons! Like take today for instance, on route 66 today there were cars seriously hitting puddles that splashed up higher than their actual vehicle. Like suburbans and stuff people. It was so cool. And its not like an all day thing either. You get up and its super nice then around noon or one the storm blows in for like two hours then its back to like blue skies. But ya big storms make me smile so I am so pro-monsoon. And last night there was this super sick lightning storm that I just laid in my bed and watched it so cool! And you can wear hoodies and like fall clothes early which I love because hoodies and stuff like that are pretty much my favorite.

These storms are super cool, but it comes at a price. The Shultz fire left neighborhoods like Timberline and Doney Park totally screwed. All the ground cover and most of the trees and stuff were all wiped out so it left the entire side of the peaks like a giant mud slip 'n slide. The fire got a ton of media and honestly got a little blown out of proportion. Ya, it was 14,000 acres but it wasn't like burning people alive and stuff. Anyway, but no one but locals basically know about all the flooding. The washes have been so full that a 12 year old fell in and sucked under, they finally found her body like 5 miles away shoved up against a tree under the freeway. It has been really cool to see how the community has like come together and helped though. Like our stake has spent a entire Saturday filling sandbags up there and all the fire fighters have become like flood fighters and its just really amazing to see that I mean this thing has been going on all summer and people are still taking animals still doing pretty much everything that they were when the fire first broke out. It is so awesome.

Ya on a less bummer of a note. This was supposed to be about how I love the rain but it kinda took a weird tone my bad. Oh and also shout out to Monsoons on Leroux. Best Chinese ever! and that's including PF Changs so that really is saying something. Love you Guys!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness it has been crazy here too, i feel like we are having monsoons!
