Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Imogene Training- Day 1

So, as many of you know I was planning on doing the Imogene race in Telluride, CO this year. K well apparently you have to sign up like right away, because it fills up insanely fast. Anyway I totally missed out and wasn't able to do it. This year though I am determined. I already found people to train with me. BTW I love you Fish, and Jordan. And it is on. So ya I'm going to blog about training as a way to motivate/track myself. Like not everyday but once a week. So ya, these posts probably won't be super good and I kinda am rusty at the whole blog thing. Like I think the last time I did blog was in April or something.
Anyway about training. I'm totally out of shape! I ran 3 miles today and it took me 37 minutes plus I walked the last half mile. So I'm still on track race wise but that I think is pathetic. I guess you have to start somewhere though. and did I mention I am sore as crap. Like my legs fill like lead. K so ya, here is my training plan. I'm going to up my mileage by half a mile every week (super doable) Then starting the first of February I'm going to go up a mile every week. By this time I should be able to straight up run 9.5 miles. Which is good cuz according to the Internet to be on track for the race I should be able to run one mile by this time. So ya, and just to clarify I'm not going to run like 20 miles straight everyday. the total mileage for a week should be between 20-30. So like what my sister said to do was take like one day a month and get to that. I know this post is long and boring so if you have checked out by now that's okay you can quit reading, I wont mind. So these posts will be every Wednesday. Ya, um go me and training wahooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Belated Happy 420 Everyone!!!

(This is the the carebears edgy black sheep cousin ChongBear. They don't really like to talk about him much)

So normally I wouldn't feel the need to blog about 4-20 cuz contrary to popular belief I'm not a stoner but funny story about it. So today in institute we were talking about addiction. Martin was all "does anyone know what yesterday was?" So speaking totally on topic I answered and then considering the people in my class gave a quick description of the "holiday". Turns out that April 20th is not only a day where everyone is supposed to get ridiculously high but also the date of the Columbine shooting. And that was the answer Bro. Martin was actually looking for... Ya, so I looked like a total idiot. But in my defense we were talking about ADDICTION! I thought my answer was totally relevant. I'm still not sure how we randomly switched topics with out my knowledge. But anyway it was kinda funny. Just thought I'd share.

P.S. Marajuana isn't all bad. I mean it gave us Hempz lotion. Just Saying.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

W T Flip-flops

It is officially spring. Which for me means a few things. Its time for fires (which will not be the same not in Sara's back yard), snowboarding slush fests, trying to convince myself that 60 degrees is perfect tanning weather, and barbeque's. Just to name a few. Another aspect of spring that I love is the wardrobe. Ya, that does make me a little vain, but whatever its true. Its fun to have the excuse to buy new clothes. And it's even funner to see how pretty you look in them with a light spring tan. Side note- Hi, my name is Brianne and I'm a tanaholic. . Anyways, back to spring wardrobes... As everyone knows old navy flip flops are a spring/summer must have. And as everyone also knows I have a tendency to loose my shoes in the summer as fast as a drunk girl with low self esteem losses her v-card on prom night. So I needed to stock up on these wonderful little rubber and foam things. (I had to add in the and foam part so that didn't sound dirty.) Like so I'm at Old Navy and I'm like I said stocking up. So I go up to the counter with my dozen pair. And guess what the lady says. She literally goes, "You know most kids in Africa don't even have shoes?" Really lady, REALLY! In the first place those $2.50 a pair flip-flops aren't practical for life in Africa. Like I don't feel like you could run very far from a lion in them (not racist). And I was kinda mad that she was totally judging me and I go, "Well I have 7 pairs of Tom's shoes, so I know at least 7 kids in Africa have shoes." Which is a lie I only have one pair of Tom's shoes but 7 gets my point across better. But she just gave me this rude look and I just smiled back at her and walked out of the store. But who seriously does that. For all she knows those are the only shoes I own or something. Like honestly, sorry but your job isn't to make me feel bad about myself. Its to ring up my reasonably priced clothing and other various items you can pick up at an old navy. And I didn't have enough cash with me so I have to go back to get some other colors I had to leave behind. And if I see her again it will be soooo awkward.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kids Say The Darnedest Things

So last Sunday I went to my sister's ward. It just worked out better with them leaving for Brax's surgery and me having to take Leks and everything. But anyways we are sitting in the chapel and like the other wards priesthood was singing in the cultural hall and so we could over hear them through the little divider things. And so we are sitting there like taking the sacrament. Then we hear this little kid like go "Mommy can you hear that singing?" Then there is this pause and then you hear him again like "Wait a sec, Is that god singing?" So I almost spit my little plastic cup full of water all over this poor little deacon when I hear this cuz I couldn't control my laughter. It was by far the best non spiritual experience I've ever had at church. Actually nope, Dave's stink bomb attack of '04 is still number one. But that is hilarious right?

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm Checking Myself Into Rehab

The first 24 hours are supposedly the hardest for like addicts or whatever, right? Well I have successfully made it through my first full day of no contact from Seth since before Christmas. So not saying I had an addiction to him and definitely not implying going through a break up and detoxing from like say heroine are the same thing. But going off the same basic principle, I'm successfully through the suckiest part of recovery!

But I'm over blogging about this topic. So this is like the purging of him from my mind, and getting on with my life. Like that one lyric in Jude Law and The Semester Abroad says "No more songs about you. After this one I'm done. You'll be gone." So after this blog I'm over it and he'll be gone. At least according to Jesse Lacey thats what should happen. So this is it I guess... Anyways back to the rehab thing. Really its useless drama and stress in my life. A relationship is like the worst thing for me right now. I'm out of here in like 2 and 1/2 months anyways. Why do I want to be getting all serious and crap with someone in the first place. It would just make leaving even worse than it will be as it is. That being said. My crazy self destructive side tends to come out it situations like this. Which makes sticking to what I know deep down is really the best thing super difficult. So to keep me on track I made my own 12 step program to get over this stupid boy (and to stay away from all the other stupid boys out there as well.) Here is what I'm going to focus on from now on.
  1. Working out I don't think anything makes you feel better than killing your self at the gym and knowing you are getting hotter in the process. Seriously so fulfilling.
  2. Being a better nanny Being with those kids made me feel so happy today. They are so much fun to be around. I need to try and find things to do with them and junk to make me the coolest nanny ever! BTW I don't think I've even really blogged about them. I will though.
  3. Snowboarding I haven't really been up as much as I would've liked to this season and I pretty much only have this month left. But nothing clears my head more than just going up, plugging my headphones in, and just riding. Maybe I'll buy a long board this spring and try it on like the golf cart paths. Like try and get the same affect.
  4. Family I really love chillin with the fam and don't get to very often.
  5. Work I try and drop shifts at the Siz like no ones business. I'm going to work at least 4 shifts a week from now on.
  6. Photography I haven't gone out and taken pictures since like summer. I love it though and really have a passion for it. I need to start again.
  7. Read a book (like for fun) I don't really do this but time to see what all the hype is about I guess. Cuz everyones always like "OMG! Books, there awesome!"
  8. Crafts/Painting I miss craft days. I know it won't be the same without Kris and Sara though.
  9. Institute Stuff I don't really go to as much as I used to. And I really have fun pretty much every time I'm there.
  10. Service Cheesy and lame, but you really feel better when you make others feel better
  11. Finish the Book of Mormon before June Ya, I admit I've never actually read it. But I'm in Mosiah 16 which is pretty far... kinda
  12. Gospel So the last few numbers kinda fall under this but I know its absolutely true. And centering my life around it will help me get over this more than anything else.
So I think focusing my life on this stuff will help me get out of this rut I'm in. Like I've seriously been listening to John Mayer and The Fray all weekend. I don't think anybody gets how bad this really is for me =). THE FRAY PEOPLE! Just thank God I haven't like slipped to Josh Groban or something cuz that is truly rock bottom. So on top of this I'm going sober until I'm out of Flag. Boys are just trouble. No more till I leave. I swear.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I'm Like What Would Happen If Lauren Conrad And Rob Dyrdek Had A Baby

I feel like the fact I don't have a reality show is kinda unfair. Like if all this crazy stuff is going to happen to me, I should at least be getting paid for it. Seriously I could have like a #1 rated show on any weekday prime time slot. And I'm not exaggerating here.

Take for instance my last 48 hours. Seth went out with Poocha and Kayla Thursday night to Collins. There they ran into Will and his girlfriend. During this story keep in mind that they are all (excuse me) shitfaced. So, Will's girlfriend got kicked out of the bar. And so her and Seth were outside and the girl kissed Seth. Apparently Will was watching them and so he runs over and tackles the pair, then takes off down Leroux. Only to be found hours later wandering around downtown shoeless (what happened to his shoes is still a mystery). So I get a call at like 3:30 on Friday from Seth telling me like an even more shortened version of this. And I'd been contemplating breaking up with him for like the past two weeks. So cuz of our schedules I couldn't talk to him today until three. So I was planning on just watching my niece in the morning because my family had a funeral (which is another crazy story for another time).

Then at like 8 in the morning our doorbell rings. And who happens to be at the door? My parents! And I was so happy to see them. But in my mind I was like "crap they really don't know anything about Seth. How am I supposed to explain leaving randomly at 3 for who knows how long?" So I basically sneak out, and that turned pointless because I ended up telling them anyways.

So I meet Seth at Thrope park and we walk up the road to like this little rock area and we talk for a while and its like this whole horrible thing. Like I seriously have never had that hard of a conversation with anyone before. I just like It really hurt him I think and it really sucked. I honestly when we like hugged goodbye almost started to cry. Then I go to the NAU game and run into one of his friends.

So ya, just another day in the life basically. Seriously why don't I have a show. Drama and quirky adventures just naturally find me. Its crazy. Plus like I really don't know what to do with my whole Seth situation because I think I just feel bad but now I really miss him and really want to get back with him. I think its just going through the whole ending the relationship process but I still like really really really miss him right now. Idono my life is insane.

Friday, February 25, 2011


This beautiful thing was made by the beautiful Kristina Roberts. Each picture has a meaning and I'm supposed to guess what it is. We have been besties since about the day she was born. The only reason we weren't twins is cuz she was late and missed the cloud that takes you down to earth from heaven. So she had to wait a whole 4 months until their was another opening. (Sorry this made me all sentimental and thats what we used to say when we were kids. Adorable, huh?)
Anyways here are my answers. I didn't have any clues and I know how Kris's mind works (its basically as random as mine) so I have a few ideas for each one. And due to the fact that me and Kris have always had a competitive side with each other I'm taking this a little to seriously. K, starting from the left top corner.

Old Asian chick kissing a fish
  • Kristina's love of Asian cultures, especially Japan
  • The fact that I hate fish
  • The fact that I've always found Asians to be a funny people and this is a good example
"Can Botox help my tennis elbow?"(giant green Q)
  • The time I threw out my arm while we were playing tennis in the pavilion. BOOM! Ya thought u could stump me there, huh? Well guess what nope I got it!
Bummed out guy on steps
  • When I fell of her porch steps and like slid down them on the railings.
  • It's a my future husband joke
  • This one stumped me pretty much. The time at first night when we had to use the port-o-potties in the dark comes to mind though.
  • Or honestly one of our other many bathroom adventures. Cuz we have had more than a few =).

"How long do I bake Jell-O?"(blue circle bottom left)
  • I'm not the worlds greatest chef
  • We used to call each others moms mom very loudly in public
  • I tend to ask a lot of silly questions like this
Less Traveled Road
  • I wanna be different then most people like particularly in Utah county.
  • Our friendship is kinda weird because we have been friends since forever. But I don't think Kris meant this.
  • We always do thing our own unique way pretty much
  • I always come up with stupidly ridiculous plans that most people wouldn't
Grumpy Old Lady
  • I seriously can't even guess.
"Stop the Yo-Yo!"
  • Squishy the water yo-yo. May his and Sticky's souls rest in peace
  • It stands for all the random things we say all the time
My Whey Is Better
  • I tend to only wanna do stuff my way. And complain if we don't do it.
  • The time I ate yeast, which I think is the same as whey...
Dude with the gnarly mo-hawk
  • My love of action sports
  • The fact that we both really wanna go skydiving. Even though he is skiing at first glance I thought he was skydiving so it counts
  • Blue and orange outfit for Timpview
  • Its awesome and we are awesome like Kris and I
  • I tend to be super out there and Kristina helps me kinda balance that out so without her I'm basically this guy
Surprised middle age woman
  • ya, I have no clue
  • Red hair-My love for Shaun White who also has red hair... maybe. I know its random
Is that frog a prince?
  • Encouragement that some day my prince will come
  • I tend to pick horrible guys
  • We watched the Princess and The Frog once, but I fell asleep
Planters Peanut Guy Stretching
  • Our mutual love for yoga
Hot man running on the beach
  • Our mutual love for hot men running on the beach
  • My total surfer dude type of guy I love
  • Kris is just being a good friend and giving me something to look at
Sorry your sick Mom. Whats for dinner?
  • The whole mom thing when we were kids again.
  • Basically she was the mom of the group and pretty much kept us on earth. Like for instance the day we stole Dave's parents car at age 15 never would've happened if she was there. I still blame her for that actually from the simple fact she wasn't there to talk some sense into us. This goes for the Jell-O one as well
  • I always said awful stuff like this to my mom without thinking.
The guy in the sick outfit.
  • My native inspired style
  • Our flashy ways ;)
  • My love of street performers
  • Indians-Indians used to live in Yellowstone. Our insane trip to Yellowstone
K 100% right? And I know I'm seriously so blessed to have the friends I have in my life. Especially Kristina and Sara. I don't know how I would've gotten through life till now with out u. You guys mean a lot to me, and as are real frends.

Friday, February 18, 2011


K this is awsome. Just figured out how to blog from my phone. I will never be bored again. I can add pics and everything! This is sooo cool!!! :)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ciao Bella

K, I relieze this Dolce & Gabbana ad of the Italian swim team is a tinsey bit racey but trust me it will all make sense soon...
Guys seriously, these aren't even the hottest ones!

So the last few nights at Sizzler have been unusually great. Its been one of the slowest weeks in the last 5 years. (Thanks recession btw you suck and everyone just wants you to go away :p) I haven't worked with anyone fun at all, and when I do one of us always gets cut super early. And we are out of Mayo jars again so you have to scoop it out of this nasty box kind if your table wants any. Your probably thinking, 'wow that actually sounds terrible, why is she enjoying work so much?' Ya all that stuff totally blows, but for the past week at like 8:00 every night something wonderful happens that makes Siz the best place on earth. This event is known as The Male Italian Olympic Swim Team. And they are absolutely devastatingly gorgeous... and Italian! I guess they come here to like train or something. Its weird to me that they come of all places to Flagstaff, AZ. And even weirder is their affinity with our endless salad bar and reasonably priced steaks. But I don't care because I would wait on them if I had to fly to Italy to do it. Actually that's a lie because I get really nervous when I serve them and I probably blush the entire time. I prefer to quietly stalk them with all the other girls on that night. Seriously on Thursday, Emily, Nicole, and I sat in section 5 for like 30 min just watching them. (ya, I'm not exaggerating that's how slow its been) We just chilled there and typed in phrases on my google translator app we would want to say to them. They ranged from "Hi, how are you?" to "Please take off your clothes and meet me in the ladies restroom." Which in case your wondering is said, Si prega di togliersi i vestiti e venirmi incontro nell toilett delle signore. Haha, just FYI. I'm not kidding these guys make me look forward to my shifts. And after my Saturday night I'm even more excited. I feel like I'm waiting for Christmas morning basically.

So Saturday was especially terrible. It was slow. I bitter because I had to miss going to the 3oh!3 show because I couldn't get off work. And as usual they had about 4 to many servers there anyway. But with out fail at 8 they rolled in and I forgot all my troubles instantly. The team was looking especially firm and European yesterday. And all the girls pretty much stand by the door and say goodbye to them every single night. So I'm sitting there waving and smiling and looking like an idiot with everyone else when one of them who we named Daniel 2.0 because he looks a lot like Dan only taller and stronger and Italian stops in front of me. K and I swear this happened. He grabs my hand kisses it and goes, "ciao bella". And I go bight red and giggle awkwardly and I'm told I said bye, but I don't remember. I do remember him walking out the door and Kim jumping on me screaming and me screaming and Emily screaming and lots of laughing and literally feeling like I was going to faint. It was with out a doubt one of the best moments in my life. So if you guys randomly get calls from Italy, pick up. Cuz it will be me after I run away with Daniel 2.0. I'm planning for some time next week.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Facebook Is Gay.

I feel like this stupid website has way to much importance on our generations lives. Like facebook is not as cool as all us white little college students think. Especially these 5 things I feel like are so dumb and prove how annoying facebook really is.
1.Relationship Statuses
I was talking to Kim the other day and I guess she just changed her status to in a relationship like a week ago. I thought that was weird. Like mine still says single. But, Derek and her have been really serious since like September and she barely just changed it. Kim didn't change hers because Derek didn't change his but in turn Derek didn't change his because Kim never changed hers. So like what are you supposed to do? Haha is the guy supposed to like take you out to a super nice restaurant and be like, "My honey-angel-baby-snackums, I feel like its time for us to take that next step. I'm ready to change my status. Its time." Then you of course just burst out in tears because being facebook official is what you've dreamed about since the last time you had to switch your little red heart back to single and like 30 random strangers posted don't likes and "OH NOOO! What happened?! I'm soooo sorry :'(." And you both whip out your iphone and change your statuses together right there at the table while holding hands. Its just a stupid little heart icon that stays on your wall for about a week than is pushed off and sent to your info page where it is forgotten until you have to bum your self out by changing it to single and feeling like a loser.

2. Something I like to call a Mellisa
Why must people post there problems on facebook? NO ONE CARES! If they do then you probably know that person well enough to actually talk to them in I don't know real life maybe. If you post 12 status updates in a day about how you have no friends and no one cares about you. I bet I know why. Its because you post 12 status updates about how you have no friends and no one cares about you.

3.Over 800 million friends and counting
Really once you get over 250 friends you just want people on your facebook to look cool. No one knows that many people they really care about. And having that many friends doesn't make you look popular anyways. Everyone knows you don't talk to all those people. All I think when I see that is that you are just trying to hard. And pretty sure that's what everyone else thinks to.

4.Mirror Picks and the like.
So I really like the picture aspect of Facebook. If you have pictures of you actually doing something they are awesome and fun to look at. But you get people who I don't know dress up in all of their boarding gear to just take pictures if front of their door. When they have only been snowboarding like 3 times. Ya, you all know who I'm talking about. Isn't there anything better to do with your time than to sit on the couch and take photo after photo.

5.Stupid games and gifts from games.
I don't play mafia warrior, so don't send me a machine gun as a gift or some random thing. I don't want it or care. I also don't want a Gucci purse from sorority life. It just makes me sad that I can't get a Gucci purse in real life. And having one on facebook doesn't make it any better.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Turns Out He Actually Is Human

Its the most wonderful time of the year!!! Nope not Christmas. IT WINTER X GAMES! And as you know I love the x games. Seriously its not often that snowboarding is put on such a big stage. Its fun to see how everyone is pushing the sport. Like Torstein Horgmo's insane triple cork. Its just ridiculous, and something I definitely suggest you you tube. But one guy isn't having the weekend they expected. As always Shaun White was supposed to come in and take not only the super pipe victory but slopestyle as well. So he will most likely win pipe tonight but his slopestyle was a joke. He didn't even qualify for the finals. He was knocked out by an 18 year old kid from Salt Lake.(Represent! btw) So how does a guy capable of this. Grant it this picture was taken in a pipe but when I googled Shaun White Snowboarding all I got were images from his stupid video game. But anyway if you can do that you can qualify for slope. So how did he get knocked out?

Well, I will tell you. Shaun had every single athlete in the sport pushing to dethrone him. They were working their tails off to catch him. Hitting the hill every day then hitting the gym then hitting the hill again. And what was Shaun White doing while everyone else was killing themselves to push not only them but the sport as a whole. This...

While they were busy riding their boards, he was riding a horse. The Xgames were his first competition since the Olympics. Which last year he had taken the year off of slopestyle anyway. So he was planning on being able to compete for the first time in practically 2 years and take home a victory against everyone that has been dedicating their life practically to the event. Right after he got knocked out a commercial came on of him driving around a car for BF Goodwrench. What does that have to do with snowboarding? K, alot of sponsor's don't have stuff to do with the sport but still like at least they try to be relevant. BF Goodwrench has nothing to do with anything snow related. So just me maybe Shaun should stop selling out and actually try riding a little bit more. He has pushed the sport more than anyone else could. There is a line between making the sport more main stream and just being plain annoying.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Just Dance Two!!!

K this is the best game in the entire world! You all know that song Big Girls You Are Beautiful? Like "get on down to the butterfly lounge and find your self a big lay-day" Ya that is on it and the avatar is this 300 pound girl all shakin wha her momma gave 'er. Its so hilarious like that is the hardest dance on the game just because you can't focus on the moves because your way too busy watching her. And then there is this this Russian dance where you have to try and do the leg kicky outty thing that they do. And by the end you are pretty much rolling around on the ground in laughter. But here is the best part of the entire game. Like half an hour and you seriously have had the best work out ever. I was panting by the time we were done playing. And then like its set up so everyone playing isn't doing the same dance. There are different parts and stuff so its really fun and it makes the videos even better. (which when I upload them I will post one on here because they are so funny!) They have good songs to choose from to like A Punk by Vampire Weekend and stuff. Its really like the best game ever.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

XOXO (that stands for hugs and kisses)

K so this blog is going to make me sound like a total hypocrite after my last post but welcome to my completely f'ed up life lately. And btw Sara, Seth will never ever ever lay eyes on my blog ever. But anyways...

I've kissed a few boys in my day. Not a lot but enough. And I've never had an amazing take your breathe away movie kiss. And to me those have always sounded like a good time. With the whole your head spinning around and time stopping and the crazy butterflies in your stomach. Like I've been totally bummed out by the fact that I've never as Anne Hathaway in Princess Diaries puts it "makes my foot pop" kiss. That is until tonight.

I was coming back from Ethan's with Seth and we were just sitting in his truck like talking and so anyways we started kissing and it was so perfect. Like I basically forgot how to breathe. It was the best kiss ever! Seriously everything in the world like melted away and that sounds dumb but it happened. I was so bummed about not coming to Utah. Like I'm kinda having a hard time with not being up there for Taylor's farewell and I feel like so kinda distant from everyone. And I've just been really home sick. So I was having a really bad day. And like that kiss made everything so much better. Like seriously how often is a kiss blog worthy. Not very often is the answer to that question btw. It really turned around my entire day.

So this seems like a random picture. Its Hiccup and the girl from How To Train Your Dragon. When I was searching for pictures of cute movie kisses this came up. And the night that Seth and I kissed for the first time we watched this movie. So I thought it was kinda sweet and adorable that it came up in the search results. Ya I know, I'm a dork =).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Doomed From The Start

Today started innocently enough. I got up did my hair, threw in a load of wash. Texted Seth and made plans for tonight after work. Then I headed off to my Book of Mormon institute class. When I got there I was so excited to see Chelsie and took a seat next to her. And talked for a minute before Brother Martin started class. We opened our scriptures and began by reading Alma 32:21. Scripture mastery time if you know what it is. K ya, I didn't know it off the top of my head either but its "the faith is believing in things that aren't seen" one. So as I was prepping myself for yet another lesson on faith another very familiar scripture was brought up Alma 32:28 (like a seed growing if it is good and all that jazz). So Bro. Martin calls on me and is like "Bri, pleas read that verse and swap out the word seed with relationship." So I did and I immediately felt like crap. Like if you swap those words out and read to like verse 32 the scriptures basically say if you feel the spirit with a guy its good if you don't you need to end the relationship. So I'm like thinking about how I don't really feel the spirit when I'm around Seth and how I've kinda been slacking since we started hanging out. And starting to feel a little horrible then Martin starts going on about how you should have uplifting conversations and you should want to be a better person around the person you are dating. And if you get the sort of dark nervous feeling its a completewarning sign and you should get out. And I start feeling even worse. And I'm totally going over what me and Seth in my head when bam in the middle of class he sends me a text that said. "I kissed a girl and I liked it. I kissed a girl and she was amazin. Haha I know that's cheesy and Katy Perry is a dirty dirty slut but that song came on and I couldn't get you out of my mind for some reason ;)." So not only was that really dumb but it was horrible timing. And I'm sitting there with this text knowing that I shouldn't be with him. But I sent back a :). And then I kept texting him throughout class! Cause I seriously can not control myself. He is just so much fun. But now I don't know what to do because I know that this is a really bad idea and I need to end it. Like I know I have to do that, especially before things get super serious. But I just do not want to at all. I like feel so good when I'm with him. I know its not the right kind of good though you know. I can't like cut him off. I really have no idea what to do. Well actually I know what I should do but I really just don't want to =(.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Guilt TRIP

Dear My 2 Best Frends In The World,

So, I've noticed that no road trips to come and see me have been planned. I just want you to know that I'm not okay with this. I feel like both Malibu Maxes and Honda Civics get excellent gas millage. I also believe there is plenty of room at my sister's for you guys and she would be totally okay with you coming. Her house is basically a hotel cuz someone is always coming to stay. I know for a fact that Timpview has a ridiculous amount of teacher quality days and I also know that deep down Sara you are always okay with skipping class. Plus have you guys ever heard of this place called the Grand Canyon? Its pretty sweet and guess what. I LIVE BY IT! I also live by this place called Sedona and this other place called Diablo Burger which is delicious. Plus there are people down here which you have to meet. And you can't meet them if I'm always the one coming to see you guys. And you both luv vacations and not to sound conceded but you both luv me. So why is there still no plan for coming to spend some quality time with your bestest pal? I'm very disappointed in you both. I will even make you guys adorable brown paper bag lunches for your ride home when you leave if you come down. They will be so cute you will die. I will even write a personalized message on the napkin. That in its self is worth coming down for. But really its only 7 hours and if you cut that driving time between you two its only 3 and 1/2 hours each. That's soooo do able. In a non-lesbian way, I miss you like the moon misses the stars and a flower misses the sun in the middle of January. And Flag is really sweet so you have to come see it. Plus I will get off work and junk too, and we will just do whatever we want while you guys are down here. It would be like the most awesome vacation ever!

Seriously you have to have to come!

P.S. did you think the name of this blog was clever? Because I did. ;)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Love Hurts

Its no secret I'm a little obsessed with snowboarding. I love everything about it. I love the speed that takes your breathe away for a minute. I love cruzing alone and just forgetting about life. I love riding with a ton of friends, and just laughing about nothing your just happy. I love the ride home, and your feet all cozy in your Uggs. I love hearing the snow swoosh with the turn of the board. I love what a fashion show it is. I love taking in the nature from the lift. I love stopping and watching it snow under the lights at night in silence. I love the magazines, the contests, the lodge breaks. I love it all.

Some days though snowboarding doesn't love me back. Today I left with about half of the snow from the resort in my pants and in serious need of some Advil. The snow in my pants I blame 100% on Seth and Ethan. I think I probably got sprayed like 17 times. Seriously hard core too! And then Seth tried to penguin slide attack me and we ended up rolling like 10 feet down the hill cuz we couldn't stop. And my jacket got twisted up in the process and basically acted like a snow shovel scooping up all it could. It was really lame =(. And toward the end of the day I got tired and so I got lazy and so I fell A LOT. And the snow was so eaten up by then that like it was super unforgiving. So my knees are purple and my back keeps catching. And even after a 15 minute shower and a 40 minute bubble bath I'm still incredibly tight which means tomorrow I'll be incredibly sore. Actually I think I'm incredibly sore already.

And I can't wait to get up in the morning and do it all again.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


I got a haircut today finally! I seriously needed it. My hair has been so sad looking lately. But anyways. I was talking to Amy, the girl who does my hair, (is it weird if i said my stylist, cuz I couldn't decide). So, we were talking and I was telling her about how I wanted to move out and all that. And like she was so for the idea and gave me a lot of really helpful advice and stuff. And I totally decided I'm going to do it. And that led to a discussion on my whole boy situation which is still a mess. But now I'm not freaking out about it at least. I mean we even talked about my grandparents! Like I just pretty much unloaded on her and it was so nice. She has been kinda like a aunt since I've been down here and has been so helpful. I'm so grateful that I have someone like her to give me advice and really understands what I'm going through. I'm really thankful for Amy.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Coooooooool BEANS

I'm guessing this dude was the original cool bean cuz he seems pretty sweet.
What happened to the phrase cool beans? I feel like it needs a comeback. I remember Mitch Crogan said it all the time junior year but all the sudden its just randomly out of style? Like who decided that? I love cool beans! And if Hot Rod is still cool then so is cool beans. It just makes sense. I want cool beans to once again bounce around peoples conversations like a beach ball at a Nickleback concert. (Also a phrase that needs to be used more.) Cause we still say "there can only be one highlander" and I honestly never understood what that meant. Seriously what is a highlander and why is he so stuck up that there can only be one? Finally explain that to me please!!! So you know whats not cool beans? That we still say that and not cool beans.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


My love is back! I can't even tell you how excited I am about it. As you all know when The OC was cancelled it was rough for me. I thought it was the one. Every Thursday night I was on my couch, eyes glued to television. It was a match made in TV heaven. Until randomly in Febuary of 2007 it was canceled. With out any warning. And I was left with a giant hole in my weekly routine. Since then I've tried other shows. I've messed around with Nitro Circus, Pysch, and The Office. But nothing really was the same. I had all but given up hope. It seemed like The OC was a once in a lifetime sort of TV show. And nothing would ever measure up. But then Junior year I stumbled on Greek. It wasn't serious for a long time. I would watch every few weeks, but I didn't really commit to it for about a year. And then I just knew, it totally hit me out of nowhere. Greek was what I had been looking for all this time. I can't remember ever loving a show as much as I love Greek. Even when The OC was at its best.

Greek is seriously the best! It actually makes me look forward to Mondays. Even both my brothers are obsessed with it. I wasn't able to watch it this Monday however, because I was busy but the second after I finished it on Hulu I was on the phone with Justin talking about what Kappy and Casey were going to do, and how long Ashley was going to stay in New York. I'm talking like a 30 minute convo. Its insane how great this show is. But here are the ten reasons I love Greek.

  1. Kappy is basically a darker haired Bryce. (Which I know I shouldn't care about now, but he is super adorable, and I have a lot of fun with him. And really as of right now I couldn't care less)

  2. You can't hate anyone on it. Every character has its bad points and it good points. You like everyone.

  3. It is really good at leaving you wanting more.

  4. Kappy is so hilarious

  5. Its not out of this world stuff, like normal people could go through the stuff on the show.

  6. Kappy is amazing

  7. It is a really good like bonding thing with me and Jus

  8. It makes you laugh. Its not all about the drama

  9. There isn't like on set main character. Everyone is living like intertwining lives.

  10. KAPPY! ps he is on the far left of the photo

Sunday, January 2, 2011

You Go Girl! Oh Wait, You Can't. There's a Line.

Is it just me or did God give girls alot of very gender specific trials? Like, we have insane hormone issues. We naturally are fatter than guys. And of course we have to push full grown new born babies out of our cha cha and then pretend to be excited about it! I'm okay with most of these. It just proves how much more amazing we are then guys. But there is one issue that plagues our gender I think was maybe a little excessive. WE ALWAYS HAVE TO PEE!!! Its like contagious to. You can be totally fine until some other girl goes to the bathroom and all the sudden its like the Levey's trying to hold back Hurricane Katrina down there. Plus like there is always a line and its of course five miles long. And you never get to pee in privacy cause there is always someone outside your stall listening to you handle everything so you try and go all quiet but sometimes it backfires and it sounds even weirder.And why couldn't we be designed to stay standing like guys? Is it just me or wouldn't that make everything alot easier? Guys are so free with their bathroom options. They can be in the woods or miles away from a bathroom and have no worries. Us on the other hand need a bush or large tree of some sort, adequate room to squat, and something to wipe up with. Or most likely we are going to hold it until we are a human water balloon trying not to pop. Really I love being a girl, and i think we are great. But we seriously need to evolve into more proficient pee-ers.