Sunday, March 27, 2011

Kids Say The Darnedest Things

So last Sunday I went to my sister's ward. It just worked out better with them leaving for Brax's surgery and me having to take Leks and everything. But anyways we are sitting in the chapel and like the other wards priesthood was singing in the cultural hall and so we could over hear them through the little divider things. And so we are sitting there like taking the sacrament. Then we hear this little kid like go "Mommy can you hear that singing?" Then there is this pause and then you hear him again like "Wait a sec, Is that god singing?" So I almost spit my little plastic cup full of water all over this poor little deacon when I hear this cuz I couldn't control my laughter. It was by far the best non spiritual experience I've ever had at church. Actually nope, Dave's stink bomb attack of '04 is still number one. But that is hilarious right?

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